
This website contains photos, conversations, and other artifacts from the story of Nell, a young woman trying to recover from an abusive relationship and finally come to terms with the loss of her mother while putting down new roots in a new town.

I started thinking about this story a few moths ago, but I wasn’t sure how to tell it. I wanted to include tidbits from this woman’s life, artifacts as I’ve started calling them, and have them sprinkled through the timeline from the backstory of how Nell met Trevor to when she starts her life over with her best friend, so I was originally going to make a hyperlink story with all the artifacts linked in. However, I thought creating this website would make the story easier to add to in the future and would keep the story organized while letting people view it in any order they liked.

This website will also allow other people to contribute to the story. Like I said, I want to include artifacts from Nell’s life, and I really want to fill out every moment of her last few years. Even little stories that are only tangentially related to the plot, or even not at all, but that may explain some comment or a piece of character motivation. I want this to be an open world story, and I would love to have some kind of art piece or artifact to go with each of them. An explanation of how the collector works can be found on the About The Collector tab at the top of the website.

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